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Code of conduct

The Discovery Wrestling codes of conduct for wrestlers, staff and fans. Done with input from wrestlers, fans and in consultation with qualified professionals.

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Wrestlers code of conduct

Discovery Wrestling has put together an official Code of Conduct to ensure our wrestlers and staff know what we expect of them to ensure a safe working environment.

When working with Discovery, we expect the following:

  • respect and courtesy to be shown between all wrestlers and staff 
  • a respect for people’s personal space
  • no bullying or harassment
  • no abuse of any kind including physical, verbal and sexual
  • no consumption of any alcohol or recreational substance that may impair them in any way, before arriving at or whilst at the venue
  • no unsolicited messages of a sexual nature to fans, other wrestlers or staff members

We will take a zero tolerance approach to racist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist and sexist slurs. Anyone found to be in breach of the code of conduct will be removed from our roster and staff.


Fans code of conduct

Discovery Wrestling has created an official Code of Conduct for fans to ensure we continue to provide a safe environment for all. When you attend one of our events, we want you to enjoy yourself, make as much noise as possible, cheer or boo who you want but we will not condone the following:

  • racist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist and sexist slurs
  • inappropriate contact with wrestlers, staff or fellow fans
  • abuse, harassment or derogatory comments towards wrestlers, staff or fellow fans

We also ask you to avoid unnecessary swearing. However, we are aware of circumstances where this may not be possible so will respond to concerns on an individual basis.

Our venues also take a zero tolerance approach to excessive drinking and illegal drug use so please respect their rules.

Before every event, we will make you aware of this Code of Conduct during our pre-show safety announcements.

If you breach our code, you could be asked to leave and banned from future events. Above all, we want to promote respect between all wrestlers, staff and fans.

By purchasing a ticket for our events, you agree to abide by our Code of Conduct. If you have questions or need clarification about anything in our code, please contact us.